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I have been selling ladies bags on whatsapp for quite some while. Now I want to sell them online on my own website. Do I need a registered business to sell them online.
Well we are not qualified CA\'s. But at least in Delhi VAT registration is neccessary if your annual sales are above Rs.10,00,000/-. Otherwise not. But even if your sales are beow Rs.10,00,000/-, you still need a bank account to receive online payments. Even cash on delivery payments are received by courier and you need a bank account to receive that money. And to open a bank account you need some proof of business which will again be VAT. In fact most of the payment gateways insist on you having a VAT registration. So, you should actually have a company to sell online while accepting online payments.
But the catch is nobody is stopping you to market online. You can still have an online website with a catalog that people may like and buy something from you after contacting you. So, you can still benefit from the online platform.
Well if you were a freelancer providing services and not selling any goods things would have been completely different. You cannot be charged for your services if you work from home as a freelancer. Payment gateways will give you an individual account and will even let you integrate your website with their payment gateway.